RoughSketch897's avatar


31 Watchers60 Deviations
Are you scared of..

[] the dark
[] staying single forever ((Once upon a time, I was dreadfully afraid of this, but :iconastralscribe: is the angel that freed me from that fear. <3))
[] being a parent
[] giving birth ((If I was a woman, either I would be or there's something about a female mind that makes them feel more prepared to do this.))
[] being myself in front of others
[] open spaces
[] closed spaces
[] heights
[x] dogs ((They surprise the hell out of me if I see them without knowing they were there. And if I so much as hear a chain-rustling sound, I go into canine-alert mode, and if I hear one bark or if one runs straight at me, I'm dead as far as I'm concerned.))
[] fish
[] spiders
[] flowers or other plants

Total so far: 2

[] being touched
[x] deep water ((I can't swim, and sometimes just getting wet will cause me to panic.))
[] snakes
[] silk
[x] the ocean ((Make me check two for basically the same thing, will you?))
[] failure
[] success
[] thunder/lightning
[] frogs/toads ((I'm very cautious about touching or holding them, because they seem really fragile to me... but I love these little guys!))
[] my boyfriend's/girlfriend's dad ((Hah. This article I read about the topic on Cracked had me worried at first, but not too seriously.))
[] boyfriend's/girlfriend's mom
[] rats
[] jumping from high places ((If it's low enough that I'd expect to land safely, that is...))
[] snow

Total so far: 4

[] rain
[] wind
[] crossing hanging bridges ((Not an inherent fear, I don't think, I'd just be properly cautious if it seemed like an unsafe bridge.))
[] death ((I try to accept it, although I think if I faced the possibility of dying anytime soon, I couldn't handle it.))
[] heaven ((Although, I don't accept the idealistic envisioning of heaven that most people cling to, but not to the point of fear.))
[] being robbed
[x] falling ((It's extremely painful, man.))
[] clowns
[] dolls
[] large crowds of people
[] men
[] women
[] having great responsibilities
[] doctors, including dentists
[] tornadoes

Total so far: 5

[] hurricanes
[] incurable diseases
[] sharks
[] Friday the 13th
[] ghosts
[] poverty
[] Halloween
[] school
[] trains
[] odd numbers
[] even numbers ((Where the hell are imaginary numbers?))
[] being alone
[] becoming blind
[] becoming deaf
[] growing up ((Formerly, I was afraid of this, but I think now I just want to move on in a lot of ways.))

Total so far: 5

[] creepy noises in the night
[] bee stings
[] not accomplishing my dreams/goals ((Sometimes I feel as though I may not, but it's not really with dread))
[] needles
[] blood
[] dinosaurs
[] the welcome mat
[x] high speed ((It's been known to make me laugh maniacally, because I can't just sit and be calm.))
[] throwing up
[] falling in love
[] super secrets

Final Total: 6

... if you wish to post this in your journal, it's been requested that you title it "I'm afraid of _ out of 72 common fears..."

Hmmmm, I wouldn't say I'm fearless. I think of fears as things that freak you out to even think about, which a lot of these are not... but you bet I'd be scared if I actually CAUGHT an incurable disease! I just don't think "Oh man, there's diseases out there that will kill you and there's not even a cure for them... oh no... OH MY GOOOOOD!!"

If you get more than 30, I strongly recommend some counseling ()
If you get more than 20, you're paranoid. ()
If you get 10-20, you are normal. ( )
If you get 10 or less, you're fearless. (x)
People who don't have any are liars
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61 Questions

12 min read
1) How do you relieve stress?
I find that crying can be very constructive if you're stressed enough to do so. It's most effective when something makes me laugh afterwards.

2) Have you ever been in a car accident?
Hah, I AM a car accident. But seriously, I technically have. But nothing bad.

3) Do you thrive when under pressure?
I used to, but lately I've found myself forgetting things that I already know how to do because of it.

4) Are you sore anywhere?
Nah, can't complain. I'm rarely sore.

5) Are you more a stay at home kind of person or do you always have plans?
I find it difficult to make any plans, in fact, I pretty much can't on my own. I like to get out whenever I can, so I guess if I really think about it, you could say I get out fairly often. I just feel like everybody else does more.

6) Do you ever feel unimportant?
I try to remind myself that I'm really important to my friends and family, but it's easy for them to inadvertently make me think I'm not. As for importance in the world at large, I feel like my position is fine. None of us is that important, but at least I'm not on the very bottom.

7) How old are you?

8) When did you last cry? Did you cry in front of people?
Last night. No one was really there to see it, but I told people about it. I don't like to worry other people, though, so I do tend to avoid crying in front of them or, failing that, hide the fact that I'm doing it.

9) How do you feel right now?
I'm fine. It's that kind of mood where I'm not really smiling, but then if i just do for no reason, I feel this mysterious joy that is apparently only there because I decided to smile.

10) Describe one of your scars.
Uhm, I guess I don't really have any. Usually there's some amount of scars caused by my cats all around my arms, but I'm not seeing any at the moment.

11) Are you currently single?
Nope, and I'm planning to never be again.

12) Do you ever threaten to beat people up?
Not really. The most I'll do is tell other people that I wanted to smack someone if they made me REALLY mad. Because you know, I'm just tough like that.

13) Is anyone in your family sick?
My sister might be, still. I had a cold and then probably gave it to her, but it seems hers has lasted longer.

14) Are you very up-front about things or do you "beat around the bush?"
I'm only up-front about things if I think they can be helped, generally. But with trusted friends, I'll do it more. Also, I guess it's harder for me to do so when communicating face-to-face.

15) What kind of camera do you have?
Just my phone. If I care about the quality of the picture, I borrow my mom's iPhone.

16) Has anyone ever told you that you have an accent?
Yeah, someone from Australia I talked to a long time ago. But to me, what they call an "accent" is what I would simply call "NOT having an Australian accent," because that'd be what they think of as "normal."

17) Where are you from?
Bloomington, Indiana.

18) Do you still live there?

19) Who have you texted most today?
No one yet today.

20) Do you say "I love you" to your best friends?
I say it to my girlfriend at the end of each day. Other than that, I barely say it to anybody unless they say it first, because anytime I behave affectionately, it's apparently creepy or weird.

21) What did the last text you sent say?
It says "*jaw drops*" because I received a picture of a cardboard cutout of some chick in a Fionna costume from Adventure Time, and there's this joke about the fact that I tend to think women look really attractive dressed that way.

22) Who did you last say "I love you" to?
Ariel, my girlfriend I mentioned earlier.

23) Do you have any posters in your bedroom?
Just an Adventure Time calendar. I guess having a poster might be nice, though. I used to put them up a lot; mostly Hilary Duff ones from my sister's teen girl magazines.

24) Do you like where you live, or are you dying to leave?
The answer to this question is complicated, but in a word: "both." To say I "like where I live" is an understatement: I love this city, and it's my home, and no other place in the world is ever going to feel quite like it does. But you might also say I'm "dying to leave" because I really want to go to a college that's in another city. I'm going to be studying to begin my actual career there, whereas I can't tell if my schooling at the community college here is really worth anything. I'm sure that leaving will be hard for me, but I'm ready for some change.

25) Do you have a big family?
I have a tiny family.

26) Do you enjoy going through old pictures?
Yeah, perhaps too much. Also old conversations, and anything that brings back memories.

27) Do you sing a lot?
Not a lot, I guess, but sometimes. Usually when I'm alone. I like it and other people tend to like my voice as well.

28) Were you born blonde?

29) Are you afraid of thunder and lightning?
I used to be. Now, if they're particularly loud and bright, they freak me out, but I enjoy the feeling. It's like a nice, controlled adrenaline rush.

30) Have you ever performed on stage in front of people?
Yep. Although both the times that come to mind, there wasn't a "stage," it was just a room with chairs gathered around.

31) Has anyone ever told you that you snore or talk in your sleep?
Yeah, apparently I snore, which I really wish I didn't. Thanks, Dad (assuming snoring is genetic).

32) Are you artistic? If so, what's your area of arts?
Yes! I've always been into drawing cartoons, and I also know a thing or two about animation, which is what I'm wanting to do at Ball State. And I'm a pretty good clay sculptor.

33) If your old class was to have a reunion, would you attend it?
YESSSSS. I want to go to all of them.

34) Is there anyone you think you deserve an apology from?
Not really. The only reason I feel mad at people is usually because I just happen to not like them, and people shouldn't apologize for being who they are.

35) Do you remember who you sat by during the birth video in school?
The what?

36) Have you ever been called beautiful?
Hehe, yes I have. :D

37) Does it matter to you if your boyfriend/ girlfriend drinks?
Not inherently, but I would be confused and probably bothered if Ariel started drinking now because she complains about other people doing it and it'd be unlike her overall.

38) Do you think you've changed over the past year?
Hmm... in some ways, very much so. I still act about the same, though I might be somewhat more mature. I definitely have a lot more confidence. My love life is the most important thing to me, and that's definitely changed. A year ago, I was still hopelessly single and chasing after people who were either so uninterested in me that there might as well have been a whole planet between us, or one person who literally is on the other side of the planet. But now I've found my true love, and she's not going anywhere.

39) Could you handle living together with the last person who you talked on the phone with?
My friend Miles. Hm... well, we did recently have a conversation where I told him I hope I have a roommate like him next year.

40) Are you happy with who you are?
In many ways, yes. But sometimes I feel as if I have multiple personalities. Not the actual disorder, though. It's more like, I keep reacting strangely to things and having difficulty explaining why.

41) Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you?
Most likely, yeah. I would resent them for it, most likely, but a lot of times I haven't understood why cheating was such a big deal (not that I'd do it). However, this is a situation that I can't exactly predict how I would react to, since imagining it is so different than it actually happening. There's a lot of things it depends on, most likely.

42) Do you believe that you can change someone?
You can't if you try to.

43) Who was the last person to wear your clothes?
Ariel. I left one of my shirts at her house once and I let her use it for jammies for a little while.

44) Have you ever lived with your girlfriend/boyfriend?
Yeah, I visited for a week and stayed in her house. That was when I left the shirt; I forgot to pack it before going home.

45) Did your last kiss take place in/on a bed?
Nah, maybe a futon, though.

46) Do you find smoking unattractive?
I seem to tolerate it much more than a lot of people. I don't have much of an opinion on it. However, there were a couple times when I was hanging out with a friend that smokes that I had to wait for her to finish a cigarette before going inside somewhere. I bet that would get annoying after a while.

47) Have you ever kissed someone with a tattoo?

48) What do you currently hear right now?
Nothing right now. Earlier, I could hear this weird scraping noise and the sound of my friend Ari playing video games.

49) Tell me the truth, what made you start liking the person you like right now?
Well, back when I was hopelessly single, I pretty much didn't have "crushes" anymore; I simply wanted to develop my relationships with anyone who was an option so that one of them could become my girlfriend or boyfriend eventually. When I first saw Ariel's pictures on Facebook, I thought she was really pretty and if I wasn't trying to focus on people I know in real life, I think that would've been all it took to make me like her. The only obstacle was that since I only knew her though the internet, I didn't consider her an "option." But then when she let me know she'd be willing to date me, and soon told me that she'd actually had a crush on me for a month, all the feelings for her that were buried under my feelings for other people came out.

50) What do you think of girls who steal other girl's men?
"She's a goddamn succubus!"

51) Say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you?

52) Have you ever used beer for your cereal instead of milk?
What the hell? No. I don't understand using any non-dairy fluid with cereal.

53) Are you a jeans and t-shirt type of person or do you prefer to dress up?
Jeans and T-shirt. And I think people who normally dress up look nice when they don't for a change.

54) What color was the last towel you used?
It had a pattern of pinks and browns, as well as what I assume are dyes that were spilled on it long ago.

55) Do you sleep well at night?
I sleep well, but it takes me a while to get to sleep and even longer to wake up if I don't have a specific, good reason to be up.

56) Do you have any nicknames?
"Nate," "Nafin," and "Bubby."

57) Think about someone who you've been distancing yourself from, why are you doing it?
There's a lot of people on Skype I'd like to talk to, but there's TOO MANY OF THEM.

58) Are you a player or do you keep to one person?
I keep to one.

59) What brings out the worst in you?
When people don't like animation or belittle it in some way. Or when someone won't believe me, since I never lie anyway. Oh, and being interrupted.

60) Do you miss someone?
I miss Ariel very badly. Out of 245 days that we've been together, we have seen each other on 19 of those days. Long-distance is hard. I also miss my friend Nick (who is back in town now, so no worries there) and to some extent, I miss nearly everyone that I knew in high school.

61) Does it bother you when people try to make you jealous?
No one ever really has, but I bet it would.

Wow, that took forever. Glad I didn't do a longer one like I was thinking about doing.
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1 min read
Whoever gave me Premium, I hope you're reading this.
I never really expected to get premium, not having premium has never really stopped me from doing anything, and I'm not sure of what exactly I will use it for... but wow, the fact that one of you likes me enough to give it to me just for sitting here doing what I do (which I really don't that often anyway); that really means a lot to me. Thank you very much, anonymous follower.
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Comment and I'll tell you:
1. Something I learned about you looking at your dA page for 13 seconds.
2. What color do you remind me of.
3. My first memory of you.
4. Something I've always wondered about you.
5. What I like the most of you.
6. I'll give you a weird name.
7. I'll tell you what it is on my shirt right now
8. Tell you a food you remind me of.
9. I'll challenge you to post this in your journal as well.
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:iconroughsketch897: :iconsaysplz: I'M THE AVATAR! YOU GOTTA DEAL WITH IT!

Yeah. You may have seen my rant about my former icon, depicting my OC pony Rough Sketch galloping, and how it wasn't well-animated. So I tried again and did a much better job! I feel like a real professional now :')
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I'm afraid of 6 out of 72 common fears... by RoughSketch897, journal

61 Questions by RoughSketch897, journal

PREMIUM?! by RoughSketch897, journal

A journal entry? Whaaa by RoughSketch897, journal

My icon/avatar has once again been updated by RoughSketch897, journal